The Effect of Exaggerated Advertısements and Suspıcıon Towards Advertısement on Brand Attıtude, Purchase Intentıon and Brand Trust

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Ad Puffery, Ad Skepticism, Brand Trust, Customer Attitude, Purchase İntention


A significant portion of today's consumers use at least one of the social media tools. It is unthinkable that there are no companies on this platform, where existing and potential consumers are heavily involved. Advertisements on social media platforms can cause negative results as well as many positive situations. These situations are more likely to occur, especially in poorly thought-out advertisements made in an effort to highlight the product. Perceptions of doubt in consumers as a result of false advertisements are the biggest handicap in front of companies. From this point of view, the purpose of this research is to determine the antecedents and consequences of suspicion towards social media advertisements. Social media users constitute the sample of the research. Questionnaires were sent online to social media users in Turkey via social media tools. The obtained 407 data were analyzed with IBM SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 24 statistical programs. In line with the research purpose and model, CFA (confirmatory factor analysis) orrelation analysis and SEM (structural equation model) analysis were performed. As a result, it was determined that exaggerated advertisements affected the suspicion towards the advertisement positively, while the suspicion towards the advertisement negatively affected the brand attitude, brand trust and purchase intention. In addition, the results of the research were compared with the literature, and suggestions were made to marketing managers and marketing researchers.


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How to Cite

ÖZ, H. H., & YILDIZ, S. (2023). The Effect of Exaggerated Advertısements and Suspıcıon Towards Advertısement on Brand Attıtude, Purchase Intentıon and Brand Trust. Turkish Management Review, 2(1), 1–17.



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