A Conceptual Research On Mindfulness

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Mindfulness, Awareness, Organizational Mindfulness, Mindfulness at Work


Mindfulness has emerged as a factor that has been suggested, taught and applied to people on the state of well-being and happiness throughout the ages. Today, it is on the way to become an approach that aims to improve both personal practices and organizational cognitive processes. Although it first appeared as a Buddhist teaching, John Kabat-Zinn, who took spiritual teachings out of it and turned it into a secular protocol, predicted that modern science would also take this concept seriously, started to examine mindfulness clinically in Western medicine and pioneered its use in the treatment of psychological disorders. In this study, the concept of mindfulness is discussed in the axis of mindfulness in the workplace, and its importance in terms of success of organizations is examined. Explanations were made in the context of awareness strategies that form the basis for mindfulness and the theoretical foundations, dimensions and basic attitudes on which it is based. Evaluations of the works reached within the scope of national and international literature review were also made within the scope of this study. Within the scope of the study, suggestions were also made to practitioners and researchers working in the field of organizational behavior.


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How to Cite

AKYOL BİRCAN, Y., & ÇAKMAK , A. F. (2023). A Conceptual Research On Mindfulness . Turkish Management Review, 2(1), 54–69. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8216887



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