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Intrapreneurship, Innovation Performance, Organizational Culture


In Today's rapidly changing environment, organizations are compelled to keep up with technological advancements and evolving business practices, pressuring them to attain and implement novel approaches quickly. This study investigates the relationship between organizational culture and innovation performance, emphasizing the mediating role of intrapreneurship in organizations. The research was conducted among mid-level and senior managers, as well as white-collar employees of a large-scale enterprise operating in Kayseri, Turkey, using the survey technique. A total of 153 survey responses were analyzed using SPSS. Based on mean, standard deviation, correlations between variables, and the results of regression analysis for hypotheses, it can be stated that organizational culture impacts intrapreneurial behaviors and innovation performance. Furthermore, the analyses indicate that intrapreneurship plays a mediating role in the influence of organizational culture on innovation performance.


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